The Lotus Logo Design Collection
Through the years I’ve worked with many brands in the health and wellness space. And while they all have their story and vision, there are definitely some common themes when it comes to the visual side of their branding.
One symbol that I see very often in the industry and that I’ve personally used for past projects is the lotus flower. That amazing, utterly beautiful plant that has inspired designers and business owners many times when it comes to crafting a meaningful logo design.
Why is the lotus flower such a popular symbol when it comes to logo design?
Besides being elegant and visually appealing, the lotus is also a powerful symbol. We often associate it with:
spiritual enlightenment
connection to nature etc.
Lotus logo designs for health and wellness brands
Here I’ve gathered some of my favourite lotus logos that I’ve created for past clients, each featuring the beautiful flower but also having a creative spin that’s meaningful for the brand.
Logo design for a counseling practice. The lotus flower is combined with an image of the sun rising behind it to achieve a strong feeling of hope and optimism.
Delicate logo design for a NLP practitioner and epigenetics coach. We've also incorporated a dna "petal" in the center inspired from epigenetics. Simple, balanced and feminine.
Logo design for a postpartum doula and newborn care specialist. If you take a closer look, you’ll see that the shapes in the center of the lotus remind a mother and baby silhouettes.
Another feminine logo design. Ruth wanted to add an element that represents home so we placed the lotus flower inside a border in the shape of a house.
This logo design has a more geometric and radial symmetric shape. Paired with a star in the center that stands for healthy skin glow. Perfect for a luxury skincare brand.
Logo design concept for a massage therapist. The center petal of the flower is being replaced by a heart that relates to massaging from the heart and intuition. The heart with the circle above it also remind of a human figure or body.
Another hybrid concept that combines a lotus flower with another element, in this case a gemstone.
A logo design concept featuring a simple illustration of lotus plant that feels natural and organic.